
Please book the accommodation of your choice yourself. We will later add several hotel suggestions here. For students and young researches, we recommend the Kashiwa Guest House by the University of Tokyo on the Kashiwa Campus (3,000Yen/night). If you would like to use it, please book by yourself: Reservation form (opens in a new tab). Please proceed as follows:

  1. Register first for the symposium, and indicate on-site participation.
  2. Book a room (opens in a new tab) in the Kashiwa Guest House.
  3. When prompted in the guest house booking process, indicate the name and e-mail address of the organizer as Midori Sugahara ( on the booking site.
  4. Indicate the name of the institute and laboratory to which the organizer belongs to as: ICRR, CTA.
  5. Indicate the purpose (participants in the workshops, etc.) to which the organizer belongs to as: Dark Matter Symposium 2023.
  6. We will then approve your request for the reservation.

Please note: As there is no reception desk at the guest house, please carefully check on the website of the Kashiwa Guest House how to obtain the room key and how to pay for the accommodation in advance.

Please find here a Google map with hotels nearby the symposium venue.